Our Team
Marketing and Communication
She has three years of experience with Non-for-Profit ALAFIA running social marketing campaigns on health, clean water, and sanitation in peri-urban and rural areas.
Bachelor in Social Entrepreneurship, Bachelor in Law, University of Lomé (Togo)
AGOUDA Sylviane
Product Development Officer
She has five years of experience working for Brasserie BB and Fanmilk the largest West African yogurt product. She worked with NutriOld to develop easy-to-cook meals for the elderly.
Master in Food Science, Certificate in Nutrition. University of Lomé (Togo)
SOLITOKE Mehezaa Ida
Co-Founder, Co-CEO
Ten years of experience in managing public institutions.
Consulting for Small businesses, she helps smallholder farmers’ cooperatives get fair access to the market.
Bachelor in Business Administration, University of Lomé (Togo)
NOMEDJI Koffi Amegbo
Co-Founder, Co-CEO
He has eight years of experience in rural development projects
Founder of Delffithe a successful Togolese startup catering low-priced healthy meals to corporate employees.
Ph.D. Cultural Anthropology, Duke University (US)
Master in Economics, Oklahoma State University (US)